Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let Your Yoga Dance

I just finished a two week certification called, "Let Your Yoga Dance!" I had such a great time with everyone in my class, the teachers were amazing, and I can't wait to bring this blend of yoga and dance back to the state of Washington...
Me and Emily, a fellow yoga dancer from New York City.

Yoga Dance Final: co-leading an hour long yoga dance class.

Yoga Dance Graduation Ceremony around a beautiful garden fountain.

The originator of Let Your Yoga Dance, Megha, who led our classes and is a powerhouse of love and energy.

One of my favorite people in the class, Kathleen. Even though she is 70, she kept me young with her zest for life.

Another favorite, Karuna - she was my co-leader for the dance final.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Yoga Dance before! I'm interested to see what it's like!
    If you come to Wenatchee sometime this spring/summer, it'd be fun for you to maybe do a little demo class for some of us who are curious! :)
    Sounds like Costa Rica was an amazing experience-I'd love to hear about it sometime!
    Are you planning to start teaching in Seattle?
